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HookRuntimeInfo Properties

The HookRuntimeInfo type exposes the following members.

Public propertyStatic memberAddressOfReturnAddress
A stack address pointing to ReturnAddress. Executes in max. one micro secound.
Public propertyStatic memberCallback
The user callback initially passed to either Create(IntPtr, Delegate, Object) or CreateUnmanaged(IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr). Executes in max. one micro secound.
Public propertyStatic memberCallingManagedModule
Determines the first managed module on the current call stack. This is always the module that invoked the hook. Executes in max. 40 micro secounds.
Public propertyStatic memberCallingUnmanagedModule
Determines the first unmanaged module on the current call stack. This is always the module that invoked the hook. Executes in max. 15 micro secounds.
Public propertyStatic memberHandle
The hook handle initially returned by either Create(IntPtr, Delegate, Object) or CreateUnmanaged(IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr). Executes in max. one micro secound.
Public propertyStatic memberIsHandlerContext
Is the current thread within a valid hook handler? This is only the case if your handler was called through the hooked entry point... Executes in max. one micro secound.
Public propertyStatic memberManagedStackTrace
Creates a call stack trace of the managed code path that finally lead to your hook. To detect whether the desired module is within the call stack you will have to walk through the whole list! Executes in max. 80 micro secounds.
Public propertyStatic memberReturnAddress
Returns the address where execution is continued, after you hook has been completed. This is always the instruction behind the hook invokation. Executes in max. one micro secound.
Public propertyStatic memberUnmanagedStackTrace
Creates a call stack trace of the unmanaged code path that finally lead to your hook. To detect whether the desired module is within the call stack you will have to walk through the whole list! Executes in max. 20 micro secounds.
See Also